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We've got everything covered could easily be the slogan for our bespoke services.

Any car not on our custom covers list falls into this category along with covers for any application that needs specially tailoring to individual requirements.

From Coupes and Cabriolets to Estates and 4x4s we believe we are the only company offering this personal service in the UK.

Our Bespoke work allows us to produce covers for extremely varied applications including boat seats, tractor seats, horse boxes, sofas, work platforms, outdoor kitchens.......the list goes on.

If you want something a bit different, please call us on 0845 658 4342 to discuss your options with our design team or email us with your request. We will be more than happy to give you a quote. We design all the covers to be 'easy to fit' and do all the hard work for you.

The photographs on this page show the immaculate detail we have achieved.

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